Saturday, April 26, 2008


Propaganda is a manner in which people distort the truth by manipulating and persuading many people i.e. indoctrination on a mass scale. This is a one sided view only, this means that propagandists are bias. The view could be a social, economical, political, religious or cultural affair. The tools of propaganda are advertising, television, radio, blogspots, print media, newspapers; these are all means of communication. These can be visual or audio visual or written. The devices are: irony, indoctrination, exaggeration, hyperbole and sensationalism. The government uses propaganda to sway people into believing them and thus people’s perceptions and mindsets are changed and this leads to them being brainwashed. A person once said, "Propaganda is as blatant as swastika or as subtle as a joke."[126 words]


“The glories of our blood and state
Are shadows, not substantial things;
There is no armour against fate;
Death lays his icy hand on kings:
Scepter and crown
Must tumble down,
And in the dust be equal made
With the poor croocked scythe and spade.”

Assalamualaikum, I have just stated a stanza from the poem “Death The Leveller” by James Shirley. Today I am about to tell you about death and how it levels men.

Death is the only thing that makes men equal. We all live different lives from the pauper to the prince, we all are different. People are born from different creeds but are buried in one earth.

Colour, creed and quality is what defines us and death is the synonym to all of us. We generalize men as many things but we all were made from the same thing.

If you see a black man walking by, you will think of him as inferior to you and if you see a white man walking by you will think of him as superior. But when both of them die and if they lie on top of one another. When they decay you won’t know which bones from which.

There is no armour against death, when it comes and no matter who you are or what you do, its going to get you. You cant stop fate and death shall come to every one, thus stated in the Qur’an:

“Every soul shall taste death”
And this ayah proves that all shall die but we do not know where or when, all we know is that we shall die one day.

So I end off with my opinion:
Kings and Queens and marry things
All made from the same being,
They all fall down
To the ground;
Death befalls
One and all