Thursday, May 29, 2008
Toastmasters Speech
The Trip of My Life!
Come with me, let me take you place! But be warned your life is at sake!
One day I was at my fathers shop when all of a sudden there were noises from my stomach, my digestive system was twisting and turning in all directions and that just told me one thing, I need food, I’m starving.
So I decided to jump in the car and drive to Fordsburg where I can get the best chows, now the best part is I can’t drive properly actually I bumped the car 2 weeks ago. So I sneaked out of the back door without anyone seen me and off I went to Fordsburg with my fathers brand new BMW.
As I was driving I was absolutely nervous and I started passing all these billboards of McDonalds and Steers and Spur with this delicious food on them. This made my stomach rumble and I my hunger made me drive faster. As I enter Fordsburg with the wide variety of food places to choose from, one place caught my eye “CHUCKLEBERRYS BURGER HEAVEN”. Just the thought of eating their burgers made my mouth water.
Anyway I walk into chuckleberrys and walk to counter. Then the lady behind the counter gave me a broad smile and said ‘can I take your order please’. I was so amazed I stood whole 5minutes looking at her before I took a look at the menu, then I ordered the biggest burger from the menu. As I sat there looking at this burger, it was packed with polony, Russians, chips and the sauce was just flowing out of this juicy burger. Now as I held this huge burger and took a bite (BITE) it’s so nice I can’t get enough of it (CHEW SPEAKING take it out).
Bite after bite it gets tastier and tastier and I’m getting full but ridiculously I want more. It was the most delicious burger I had ever eaten in my life; Chuckleberrys puts burger king in their tikky pockets. Now I’m done with this delicious burger and reality hits me… I stole my father’s car! His going to kill me! As I’m driving back to shop I’m too worried about all the other cars around me. My hands are shacking on the steering wheel; I was convinced I’m going to meet up in an accident.
Then I stared passing all the arrive alive, don’t drink and drive and high accident zone boards and now I’m so scared I start reading my kalmia and making dua while driving 20 on the highway and all the other drivers are hooting at me and swearing me.
So anyway I finally pull up into the parking lot of Afrikano and guess who I see there. But look on the bright side I ate the best burger in my life. So I’m not really worried what’s going to happen next.
Come with me, let me take you place! But be warned your life is at sake!
One day I was at my fathers shop when all of a sudden there were noises from my stomach, my digestive system was twisting and turning in all directions and that just told me one thing, I need food, I’m starving.
So I decided to jump in the car and drive to Fordsburg where I can get the best chows, now the best part is I can’t drive properly actually I bumped the car 2 weeks ago. So I sneaked out of the back door without anyone seen me and off I went to Fordsburg with my fathers brand new BMW.
As I was driving I was absolutely nervous and I started passing all these billboards of McDonalds and Steers and Spur with this delicious food on them. This made my stomach rumble and I my hunger made me drive faster. As I enter Fordsburg with the wide variety of food places to choose from, one place caught my eye “CHUCKLEBERRYS BURGER HEAVEN”. Just the thought of eating their burgers made my mouth water.
Anyway I walk into chuckleberrys and walk to counter. Then the lady behind the counter gave me a broad smile and said ‘can I take your order please’. I was so amazed I stood whole 5minutes looking at her before I took a look at the menu, then I ordered the biggest burger from the menu. As I sat there looking at this burger, it was packed with polony, Russians, chips and the sauce was just flowing out of this juicy burger. Now as I held this huge burger and took a bite (BITE) it’s so nice I can’t get enough of it (CHEW SPEAKING take it out).
Bite after bite it gets tastier and tastier and I’m getting full but ridiculously I want more. It was the most delicious burger I had ever eaten in my life; Chuckleberrys puts burger king in their tikky pockets. Now I’m done with this delicious burger and reality hits me… I stole my father’s car! His going to kill me! As I’m driving back to shop I’m too worried about all the other cars around me. My hands are shacking on the steering wheel; I was convinced I’m going to meet up in an accident.
Then I stared passing all the arrive alive, don’t drink and drive and high accident zone boards and now I’m so scared I start reading my kalmia and making dua while driving 20 on the highway and all the other drivers are hooting at me and swearing me.
So anyway I finally pull up into the parking lot of Afrikano and guess who I see there. But look on the bright side I ate the best burger in my life. So I’m not really worried what’s going to happen next.
Brutus & Mark Anthony’s Speeches
Brutus & Mark Anthony’s Speeches
The speeches of Brutus and Mark Anthony were great words spoken from the heart and lips of men who felt for Rome and for Caesar. Yet one felt greater for Rome and the other felt greater for Caesar.
Brutus speech is said to be a philosophical speech for he only spoke as an idealist and a stoic who did not think less of Caesar than another man who loved Caesar but who had the idea of the Roman Empire as his goal and he was afraid that Caesar was becoming a tyrant and was bringing Rome down. So he says that it is for the good of Rome that Caesar has died and the people believe him because they were easily swayed.
Brutus puts forth a great life and Rome as his point of direction which makes his speech appealing. His second greatest downfall was by speaking at the people and by using high language, the commoners were not that much of intellectual people and this was to his disfavor. His greatest downfall and greatest tactical error was that he allowed Mark Antony to speak.
Mark Anthony before starting his speech he had already drawn the people emotionally by bringing the corps of Caesar out with him and placing it before the people. He started his speech as if he was talking to each and every Roman individually with, “Friends, Romans, Countrymen,”. It was good of him to speak to the people rather than speaking at the people like how Brutus did.
Mark Anthony’s speech was an emotional speech and he used great tactics in his speech. By speaking about the greatness of Caesar and by doing this how they are betraying Caesar, which made them feel guilty. He as well spoke about how Caesar dearly loved Brutus as his friend and yet Brutus killed him. By saying that Brutus is an honorable man and contradicting it with the showing of the stab wounds of Caesar and by Anthony weeping with his eyes blood shot, the people here saw and say that Anthony is an honorable man.
Mark Anthony as well drew the people by showing them the will of Caesar and by calling them around Caesars corps and showing them the stab wounds. Then making them furious but reminding them about the will which in it a gift of Caesar to the commoners laid. This was the greatest strength to Anthony’s speech.
I believe that Mark Anthony’s speech was the better of the two and this was because he played more on the emotions of the commoners and if we remember, the commoners were easily swayed and what better way to sway people by then to play on their emotions. It was the tactical mistake of Brutus which gave Anthony the upper hand of winning, because not only did he allow Anthony to speak but he allowed him to speak second and that allowed him to counter attack his speech.
In conclusion I believe that no matter whose speech won over the people, the fact that Brutus killed Caesar he should have lost his speech. Because killing is killing, no matter who you kill or for what reason it is wrong and Brutus even went further by killing his best friend. What is a man if he kills his best friend, and I believe that if he could kill his best friend he wasn’t fit to be a leader.
The speeches of Brutus and Mark Anthony were great words spoken from the heart and lips of men who felt for Rome and for Caesar. Yet one felt greater for Rome and the other felt greater for Caesar.
Brutus speech is said to be a philosophical speech for he only spoke as an idealist and a stoic who did not think less of Caesar than another man who loved Caesar but who had the idea of the Roman Empire as his goal and he was afraid that Caesar was becoming a tyrant and was bringing Rome down. So he says that it is for the good of Rome that Caesar has died and the people believe him because they were easily swayed.
Brutus puts forth a great life and Rome as his point of direction which makes his speech appealing. His second greatest downfall was by speaking at the people and by using high language, the commoners were not that much of intellectual people and this was to his disfavor. His greatest downfall and greatest tactical error was that he allowed Mark Antony to speak.
Mark Anthony before starting his speech he had already drawn the people emotionally by bringing the corps of Caesar out with him and placing it before the people. He started his speech as if he was talking to each and every Roman individually with, “Friends, Romans, Countrymen,”. It was good of him to speak to the people rather than speaking at the people like how Brutus did.
Mark Anthony’s speech was an emotional speech and he used great tactics in his speech. By speaking about the greatness of Caesar and by doing this how they are betraying Caesar, which made them feel guilty. He as well spoke about how Caesar dearly loved Brutus as his friend and yet Brutus killed him. By saying that Brutus is an honorable man and contradicting it with the showing of the stab wounds of Caesar and by Anthony weeping with his eyes blood shot, the people here saw and say that Anthony is an honorable man.
Mark Anthony as well drew the people by showing them the will of Caesar and by calling them around Caesars corps and showing them the stab wounds. Then making them furious but reminding them about the will which in it a gift of Caesar to the commoners laid. This was the greatest strength to Anthony’s speech.
I believe that Mark Anthony’s speech was the better of the two and this was because he played more on the emotions of the commoners and if we remember, the commoners were easily swayed and what better way to sway people by then to play on their emotions. It was the tactical mistake of Brutus which gave Anthony the upper hand of winning, because not only did he allow Anthony to speak but he allowed him to speak second and that allowed him to counter attack his speech.
In conclusion I believe that no matter whose speech won over the people, the fact that Brutus killed Caesar he should have lost his speech. Because killing is killing, no matter who you kill or for what reason it is wrong and Brutus even went further by killing his best friend. What is a man if he kills his best friend, and I believe that if he could kill his best friend he wasn’t fit to be a leader.
Death The Leveller
James Shirley. 1596–1666
288. Death the Leveller
THE glories of our blood and state
Are shadows, not substantial things;
There is no armour against Fate;
Death lays his icy hand on kings:
Sceptre and Crown
Must tumble down,
And in the dust be equal made
With the poor crookèd scythe and spade.
Some men with swords may reap the field,
And plant fresh laurels where they kill:
But their strong nerves at last must yield;
They tame but one another still:
Early or late
They stoop to fate,
And must give up their murmuring breath
When they, pale captives, creep to death.
The garlands wither on your brow,
Then boast no more your mighty deeds!
Upon Death's purple altar now
See where the victor-victim bleeds.
Your heads must come
To the cold tomb:
Only the actions of the just
Smell sweet and blossom in their dust.
288. Death the Leveller
THE glories of our blood and state
Are shadows, not substantial things;
There is no armour against Fate;
Death lays his icy hand on kings:
Sceptre and Crown
Must tumble down,
And in the dust be equal made
With the poor crookèd scythe and spade.
Some men with swords may reap the field,
And plant fresh laurels where they kill:
But their strong nerves at last must yield;
They tame but one another still:
Early or late
They stoop to fate,
And must give up their murmuring breath
When they, pale captives, creep to death.
The garlands wither on your brow,
Then boast no more your mighty deeds!
Upon Death's purple altar now
See where the victor-victim bleeds.
Your heads must come
To the cold tomb:
Only the actions of the just
Smell sweet and blossom in their dust.
The novel Animal Farm is a great novel in terms of politics, but this novel has shown me in the extensive work done how animals and humans are alike and how people have lost their morals and values. Snowball, Napoleon and Squealer are the important characters who were driven by the great words of wisdom which Old Major has said. These characters firstly drive the people towards “Animalism” and thereafter change everything to suit them; they rob the other animals of their milk and apples. Napoleon goes to the extent of taking the puppies from their mothers and indoctrinating them to be his bodyguards. The animal’s behavior is similar to mans behavior. In the end, men and pig are looked at by the other animals and they can not see any difference between the two of them. Men are like pigs and are compared to pigs. Here we can as well look at the shameless actions which men do and we can derive that we are becoming like animals and heartless beasts. The reading of Animal Farm has helped me realize that we men are truly in a state of lost, which is stated in the Quran. It also showed me the wrong which men do upon men for self gain and how they have the audacity to live with their actions without remorse. Thus I conclude by saying that Animal Farm is a great novel which can change ones views and make one see things in people that hasn’t seen before.
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